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JULY 27 2010

Hi, guys....
If y'all wanna to advertising or promotion blog,product or something... I've put a new shoutbox for advertising above.... enjoy

thks.... hehehe

JULY 05 2010

Good news...

Who wanna to put your's site banner at here ? I'll do it for free... Why ? don't know.... hahaha... But, depends on what kinds your site is....

The size is 231x63.....then send to me at

enjoy !!

Friday, March 26, 2010

undefined undefined
0 (OVA) Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII​ (ダージュ オブ ケルベロス -ファイナルファンタジーVII -Dāju obu Keruberosu -Fainaru Fantajī Sebun-?) is a third person shooter game developed and published by Square Enix in 2006. It is part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII metaseries, a multimedia collection set within the universe of the popular 1997 video game Final Fantasy VII


The game begins during the climax of Final Fantasy VII. As Vincent, the protagonist, and Yuffie help to evacuate Midgar, Vincent finds Hojo, the scientist responsible for the antagonist of Final Fantasy VII, slumped at the controls of a Mako Cannon. As Vincent is about to finish him off, the cannon explodes, destroying Hojo and forcing Vincent to escape.

Three years later, Vincent is in the city of Kalm, where a celebration is taking place to commemorate the events of Final Fantasy VII. Suddenly, the city is attacked by mysterious soldiers, who capture some of the citizens and kill the rest. Vincent, with the help of Reeve Tuesti and the World Regenesis Organization (WRO), an organization dedicated to helping Gaia recover from the events of Final Fantasy VII, fights the soldiers and forces them to retreat.

Reeve reveals that the soldiers were members of Deepground, a military organization made up of super-soldiers. Reeve believes that Vincent is the best chance the WRO has of defeating Deepground, as he currently houses Chaos. Reeve sends Vincent to retrieve research on Chaos completed by Vincent's deceased girlfriend, Lucrecia.

Based on the research, the group determines what Deepground has planned. There is a weapon called OMEGA weapon, which will activate when Gaia senses that it is in mortal danger; the weapon causes Gaia to gather the Lifestream and move to another planet, leaving the planet and everyone on it to die. Deepground plans to slaughter a large number of people at once to trick Gaia into activating OMEGA early.

Vincent and the WRO launch a full-scale assault on Deepground's headquarters. During the assault, Vincent finds Weiss, leader of Deepground, slumped in his throne, lifeless. Momentarily, the Lifestream around the room surges, and Weiss emerges from his throne. It is revealed that Weiss is possessed by Hojo; before Hojo was killed in the Mako Cannon, he uploaded his consciousness into the worldwide network, then took possession of Weiss' body while he was online. Hojo and Vincent battle to a standstill; shortly after, Weiss' brother emerges from the Lifestream and pulls Hojo into the Lifestream.

The death of Hojo triggers the activation of OMEGA. While the WRO continues to fight the remnants of Deepground, Vincent challenges OMEGA. After a long battle with OMEGA, it sprouts wings and tries to escape into space. Vincent gathers his strength and charges OMEGA. On contact OMEGA is destroyed; Vincent is nowhere to be found.

Yuffie is seen to be calling Vincent and later asks Tifa about Cloud in hopes of finding Vincent's whereabouts.

As life begins to return to normal, Vincent is found at Lucrecia's crystalline coffin, thanking her for being his reason to keep fighting.

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